Would you like:
A more powerful, fluid golf swing?
More power in your tennis strokes?
Better balance on your paddle board?
To avoid unnecessary injuries?
Although sports injuries are responsive to treatment, this particular program is is aimed at improving sports performance rather than simply addressing injuries.
Over the years we have routinely treated both recreational & high level athletes in the week prior to competition/events.
For instance before such events as the Rottnest Swim (a 12.25 mile ocean swim in Australia); the Avon Descent (a 2 day white water event in Western Australia).
Before golf tournaments, running & cycling events etc.
All sports involve psychomotor skills, which rely not only on learning technique, but adequate neuromusculoskeletal performance.
Any imbalance in the system will not only interfere with correct technique, but also the ability of the body to respond to the demands being placed on it. It will also make the body more vulnerable to injury in weakened areas, or places where abnormal strain is occurring.
You can train rigorously and be coached by the best in your field, but if your musculoskeletal system is underperforming due to even minor imbalance, and your nervous system is "misfiring", you will never reach your true potential.
Consider our performance enhancement protocol as 'fine tuning' for your body mechanics.......the result will be increased power, fluidity and range of motion!
Your performance can be improved using a protocol of 4-6 targeted treatments over a period of 2-3 weeks.
In addition 1-2 treatments in the week prior to an event will help increase your edge.
Whether you're a die hard golfer, a cyclist, a football player, a windsurfer, whatever your passion......from underwater rugby to cheerleading, we can help you.