Following 6 years of full time study, John has over 30 yrs of international experience, in the UK, New Zealand, and for the last 20 yrs practiced as an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner in Australia. He is a graduate of the prestigious British School of Osteopathy & meets international requirements for osteopathic manual practice. Prior to relocating to the USA he was a member in good standing of the UK, New Zealand and Australian osteopathic associations.
BSc (Anatomy) Aberdeen University, UK
DO British School Of Osteopathy, London, UK
DAc (graduate diploma in clinical acupuncture) Australian Institute Of Holistic Medicine.
Dry Needling British Medical Acupuncture Society
Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture
BioCranial (as taught by Dr Robert Boyd)
Neurocranial Restructuring (Dr Dean Howell)
Goltech Therapy
Global Posturology (Posture Dynamics)
Lower Limb Biomechanics
Pain Neutralisation Technique: advanced training under Dr Stephen Kaufmann