Bio Cranial (BCr) Neuro Cranial (NCR)
Both these therapies are non-invasive and are unique types of manipulation used to 'unlock' and 'unwind' the body with the aim of allowing your body to return to its original design, for a vibrant, harmonious, pain free mode of functioning. These methods act like a 'reset button' for the central nervous system and help to normalize activity within the nervous system. Other benefits of these treatments include increased energy, sense of wellbeing, mental acuity, youthful appearance, and facial symmetry.
With the BCr procedure, the practitioner will gently lift your head and position himself in a very precise position to apply a pressure to the back of the patient’s head. There is NO jerking or sudden movement. The patient will feel a firm but gentle stretch in the muscles on the side of the neck toward the shoulder. The patient will feel tension in the muscles, yet there will be very little to no pressure felt in the spine at the neck. The muscle tension felt by the patient will vary according to the hidden stress in the patient’s musculature. A warm relaxing sensation in the body may be felt, and many times they will feel their nose open and breathing becomes much easier. This method is often an integral part of a treatment plan.
NCR is a stand alone approach, designed to produce change in complex cases.
It involves a gentle procedure with the objective of allowing the sphenoid bone, a butterfly shaped bone in the cranium which acts as a fulcrum for other cranial bones, to normalise its position as the bones are unlocked and relieved of abnormal tension.
The procedure is performed as a series of 4 treatments done on consecutive days to produce the most effective change.
Various conditions will often respond well to this.
To name a few:
Headaches/ Head Pressure
Sinus problems
Balance Problems & Vertigo
Traumatic Head Injury
Ringing in the Ears
Postural Problems
Chronic anxiety